Soccer Ball Floppy Disk - On top of building overlooking Lick Dovett Car Dealership Traffic Cone Floppy Disk - In an ally way behind the Car Park.įart Gyms Trampoline Floppy Disk - On the table in the staff room of Fart Gyms.Ĭannon Floppy Disk - On top of lightpole in car park Mushroom Floppy Disk - Obtained by popping 50 mushrooms near the flight school.Ĭlassic Trampoline Floppy Disk - By the trampoline in the parking lot. In the normal arena walk along the wall to the left of the spawn and you can collect many different shapes.īeach ball Floppy Disk - On a picnic table by swindon on the sea. There are many Floppy Disks in the Lick Dovett Car Dealershipīlue Crate - On top of the lockers in West County Customs Inflatable Snowman Floppy Disk - On top of Zorb Mountain with 5 snowman circling it. Purple FBMX Bike - On top of a small half pipe on a tall platform at the Frogopolis skate park Green FBMX Bike - On the desk in the Ramps Arenaīlue FBMX Bike - On top of a Circular ramp platform at the Frogopolis skate park Pink Dinghy Floppy Disk - On the desk in the Water Arena White Vrog Floppy Disk - On the desk in the Blank Arena (Note: Some of the Floppy Disks are missing from the pictures because they have already been collected, Sorry!) (If you find any Floppy Disks not listed, leave a comment so we can add them to the list) Now you may be wondering, "How do i use them?" The way to use them is by interacting with the computer in the F.A.P.S Room in the Fayju building. Floppy disks can be obtained around Swindon and Swindonshire, You may have already obtained some.